
The first open source Bluetooth speaker and much more.

First Hackable speaker

Based on ESP32

They are talking about us ! Now compatible with Home Assistant :

Everything to program your smart home ! We talk about it here !

Product description

How does it work ?

There are three levels to use your EPS Muse :

1/ White belt : Just use it as a normal bluetooth speaker and listen to music everywhere you want !

2/ Yellow belt : You can download a custom app from our website

3/ Black belt : With ESP Muse LUXE, you can make and programm your own application with the Arduino IDE.

Introducing the Mn Cast device the perfect way to upgrade your old stereo system! With modern connectivity such as Bluetooth, Airplay, Local Streaming, Home Assistant support and much more, you can now upcycle your old Hifi system instead of trashing it.

211 Avenue Jean Jaurรจs

75019 Paris, 


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